Why do I write?

Whoa… that’s one amazing question.

Over the years my writing has certainly been a culmination of my being!

A few thoughts on this…. I write because..

  1. There are a lot of things going on in my mind and when I write I see things clearly
  2. There are amazing notions in my head… it comes to reality when I write.Ahem! 😉
  3. It is a way of expressing my deepest fears and challenges
  4. It gives me an immense satisfaction at creating a few lines, hopefully sensible 😉
  5. Blogging, Poetry has helped me grow as a better person
  6. It helps me release unwanted stress
  7. I get to communicate with wonderful people, fellow writers, readers on a beautiful level
  8. I am amazed by the fellow writers across the world who share the same ideas as mine
  9. To be a voice not just for me but for others too
  10. For readers to laugh, cry, yelp, be aghast, surprised through my words for a moment
  11. To inspire others in whatever way I can
  12. To be in an amazing enchanting world of creation
  13. To be in a world
  14. I want to live through words
  15. It kicks me, guides me, helps me, challenges my being, arrests my attention and brings me closer to the miracle called LIFE
  16. I am a story!



8 thoughts on “Why do I write?

  1. There are so many reasons to write. We like the part about releasing stress.
    Hopefully you do not have too much stress!
    But on a another note, writing can take you “outside” of yourself. You can also write about yourself as if from a third person. Isn’t that the beauty of writing?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mphadventuregirl

      I agree. I write for a number of reasons. I write because I am very talented at it. I write to make my thoughts come out clearly. I write because I love. I write because it helps bring out stress. Every since I started this blog, I found a new reason to write.

      Liked by 2 people

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