

This is a Window at my Grandmother’s place! And it was a window to the world for me!

The Summer holidays at my Grandmother’s place used to be fun; climbing Mango, Jackfruit trees, eating Kulfis whenever my Uncle would buy, listening to deafening music from my Uncle’s massive Music player, playing games with my sisters and cousins and of course loitering around the house running away from my Grandmother’s dog – Raksha!

Apart from this the window in my Uncle’s room was my favorite place; I used to sit by the window ledge listening to the wind blowing, the trees humming a soft tune and obviously enjoying the pitter-patter of the rain! If not for these, I would stare at the passers-by on the street and the myriad of vehicles.

On one occasion, there was a congregation probably some ceremony which I don’t remember now. Being the introvert, I stuck to the room, sitting by the window and watched the innumerable guests passing by the lovely garden and engaging in amusing conversations. I lost track of time and I remember Mom coaxing me to meet the guests and at-least have Lunch. So the Window happened to be my silent companion!

As I ponder, Windows have surely kept me company and have given magnificent views. I do remember a Window at my house years ago. The three of us Sisters shared a room and the window opened to the street by our house. As soon as I woke up, I would stare at the blue sky, the swaying trees and the weather would certainly set my mood for the day! Many of my creative works then used to happen by the window!

Lately, I am getting back to the mode of creating pieces of Art by the Window at my present home now! Wonder, if Nature beckons to this Soul to create a piece of Art which defines her and the language of the Universe! Well hope to decode it completely one day!

Do you have any Window stories or musings?





6 thoughts on “The WINDOW!

  1. ACountryBoy

    When I was a kid my bedroom window faced the road. We lived in the country. I saw a lot of unusual things. One time I heard a tap. It was my dad holding an owl which sadly died because it had been injured. Another time during a blizzard at midnight, I saw a face pressed agains’t my window. It was the scariest thing. I actually wrote a blog post about it. LOL

    Liked by 1 person

  2. ACountryBoy

    Um, how do I do that? LOL You could follow my site or go to:

    The title of the post is: A Frightening Occurrence In The Wee Hours.

    Liked by 1 person

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