If Money was taken care of forever, for you and your family….. what would you do with your life?

I was inspired to write this post after reading an article from Bruce Kasanoff on similar lines.

Say, money will be taken care of for the rest of your life, for you and your family……



PC: Pinterest

I am not interrogating you but think for yourself-“What would be the one thing or many things that you would do?”

Maybe you will find the answer to what you have been seeking or find out what your passion is or find out the things that bring you happiness and peace or you will be absolutely satisfied with the things that you are already doing now; That is just super awesome.

It may be a the first step to make some changes to your life and add in the things or passions that bring in happiness and peace.

Question yourself now!

I would be happy to hear the things or the list of things that you want to do but if you want to keep it to yourself and work on it …. so be it!

What would you do with or in your life if Money was taken care of forever for you and your family?




What would you do?

If you had just one day, one month or one year to live what would you do?

I have asked this question to myself a lot lately. The answer which I get back has kept me going the past year and still does.


PC: Pinterest

It’s all but one simple question which has all the answers; but then it is all lost in the midst of gathering courage to DO it!

Would you have the best dinner with your family? Would you travel the world or the one place which you call home? Would you go to the beach or the mountain to find your mojo? Would you write a letter to the people who matter to you the most? Would you have an intelligent conversation with the people that matter to you or who get you? Would you just buy a ticket to anywhere and just go on a blind vacation? Would you ride/drive to no particular destination until you find yourself? Would you learn to garden or play a guitar? Would you take long walks in the park? Would you get a pet dog/ pet anything? Would you thank the people that have made the best of you in this life? Would you sing or dance in the rain? Would you get on stage and do what you always wanted to do; be it sing, dance, speak?  Would you love life with all your heart and believe in the miracle called LIFE?

What would you do? Let’s see if you will do the above or something else altogether? I am all ears..


My Friends!!

“Depression on my left, Loneliness on my right. They don’t need to show me their badges. I know these guys very well.”
Elizabeth Gilbert

Needless to say, I have known them well enough. They have been my very good friends, they had my back a few years ago. But these days, they do visit me every now and then.

Hey Mr. Depression,

Where art thou?

I have been looking for you!

You held my hand a few years back,

Helping me to crack!

But you just left me ,

When I was on the brink of losing me.

Well I had Hope to support me

For you never returned for me.

And I just saw you the other day,

Waiting for me to reach out to you!

But let me tell you,

I am not ready for it you know.

Hey Ms. Loneliness,

I am bothered by your presence,

But you make me look into my inner presence.

I am glad, I have you by my side

When all things defy.

You have taught me to love myself

And I am grateful to you for finding myself.

Without you I would be lost in the crowd,

Allowing them to enshroud.


Hmm what am I scared of?

I think its confinement!

It has always been hard to shake off

Wonder why it is my predicament!

Being bound by ideologies

Which have a traditional say.

For I have my own philosophy

Much to everyone’s dismay.

It could be sheer darkness

By a road or in a cave.

I wish to have the guiding light

If not I feel closer to the grave.

Having the freedom to dream

And to take on the world.

Sans confinement, Sans the darkness supreme

Can I travel the transworld!

Writing 101- Day 17- Your Personality on the Page



Hmm what am I scared of?

I think its confinement!

It has always been hard to shake off

Wonder why it is my predicament!

Being bound by ideologies

Which have a traditional say.

For I have my own philosophy

Much to everyone’s dismay.

It could be sheer darkness

By a road or in a cave.

I wish to have the guiding light

If not I feel closer to the grave.

Having the freedom to dream

And to take on the world.

Sans confinement, Sans the darkness supreme

Can I travel the transworld!

Well, just a poetic version of my fear for Confinement and darkness.


2009 The year that was…….

Hmmm, 2009 was a year of revelations to me.It still makes me wonder that time has passed and there has been a new horizon. The year has taught me a lot about myself,the relationships, my endurance which I can never forget.It all started with me losing my job and then wondering for days together what next????????
This question used to disturb me every now and then, I was torn between my heart and mind.I can say I had been tested for things unknown to me.It made me think on a level that I hadn’t been exposed to.

As J K Rowling puts “The knowledge that you have emerged wiser and stronger from setbacks means that you are, ever after, secure in your ability to survive. You will never truly know yourself, or the strength of your relationships, until both have been tested by adversity. Such knowledge is a true gift, for all that it is painfully won, and it has been worth more than any qualification I ever earned.”

Its so true , never had I racked my brains so hard , never had I thought about life in a whole new perception,never had I realised that relationships mean a lot to me,never did I know that some friends stay for a season and some stay for a reason, never had I realised the inner me until I had this experience.
I am so thankful that I experienced it.It was a rich experience to me. I learnt a lot about myself and a whole lot of things.I spent time on things that I always wanted to do since ages.It was an opportunity to know myself in different arenas.
One of the things being this sharing my thoughts with people.

I have not literally gone through the experience but “I have grown through the experience.” I have realised to follow my heart and do the things i love.

“Tout est bien.”

For a long time I questioned
For a long time I searched
For an answer I least expected
For I knew not what I wanted

Maybe I knew deep in my heart
Maybe I wanted it with all my heart
I am sure I am living with it now
I am sure its my life now.

Lost At Sea

It was the beginning of a new year , i was excited to face it ,embrace it …………… but my excitement did falter.

I was on a ship which would set sail to the destination i presumed. Was trying to feel at home when all of a sudden there was a storm so fierce that put me out into the cold sea . I had a life jacket and thought i would make it to the shore but it tore away adding to my woes.

I was lost,confused,perturbed as to which direction would take me to the shore .During the day i could see land far off where i wouldnt belong so i never felt to make an attempt . During the night there always used to be a star(my angel) shining high up in the sky , it gave me hope , hope that i was still alive ……….

Some days i could see many islands and i wondered whether they could be the land of my dreams , i did venture into a couple of the islands but i had to return , it was not for me to rest before i had some promises to keep .

There were days when i felt depressed and i sunk into the feeling. I turned out to be a maniac that i started enjoying the feeling , i wanted to experience this phase , i was drowned in it , i loved the silence , i loved the feeling of being alone at sea .

For days together i was lost and one fine day , i saw the light house nearby . I was delighted on seeing it , swam till i reached the shore. Before i could rest i saw a ship nearby ready to leave , well i did take the decision to climb onto it and face the seas for it wasn’t the end but just the beginning of a journey to reach my destination.


I have always been pondering of what life is all about for these many years and probably continue to do so. Its always an enchanting experience for me each day , living with expectations , surprises , shocks and some things out of the blue…… that make me wonder.

I thought life was a fairytale with all good things happening in the world when i was a kid , little did i know that i had to face a world alien to my fantasy land. It was inevitable and i had to cross my land and move to a world which was fast-paced,exciting and all the more with responsibility on my shoulder.

Maybe i took a lot of time to come out of my shell but once i began to understand life , people around me , functioning of the world i became all the more confident to my perspection of life or maybe i just learnt to live a sane life . It seemed to me that i was transformed from a martian child to a normal child…….sounds funny huh? Well maybe you will get to know what i am talking about if you are a genius!!!!!!!!

We all come into this world with different views , skills and yet we are made to live a life , a life that we are made to follow come what may and we just have to go with a flow that a majority of the inhabitants of this world follow……….. Well all i am trying to say is we don’t have a choice we just have to get educated by going to a school , get some degrees later on and then earn a living, make a family and live happily ever after……………….woah !!!!!! sounds disgusting !!! Is this what life is all about???????????? Come on there has to be something more than this.

I know not why i am here in this world but i may come to know my quest some day…..and i am waiting for that . Its been a roller-coaster ride for me these many years but on the whole its fun ,
exciting and rewarding because i get to learn …………..Life teaches us many lessons of which we ignore many, remember some if its very painful, enjoy few but we hardly need to pass any grades in the game of life…….Game reminds me – I always think that life is a game , come what may you have to go on until you finish it. Life is surely an unpredictable game , we never know who our coplayers are, our strengths, our weaknesses,our aim , our time-limit…….whew until and unless the game itself unwraps to us .

I know not when i will awaken but i surely have many things in my mind probably still sleeping ……..needs some time may be…………….