Stalwarts! The word resonates a feeling of inspiration every time I think about it.

Little did I know that this word would be my lifelong mojo.

I am intrigued by the way, life lays out the path ahead. But lately I find that to be quite interesting and meaningful.

At times, life brings you back to square one probably to make you look at life with altogether a different perspective. I think I am back to square one but with a renewed zest and perspective.

The time between losing  perspective and gaining a renewed one is what I call the ‘THE MOJO ODYSSEY.’

There is always a time when one feels the need to question one’s calling in life. And to introspect if we are on the right path.

Though I had figured my ‘calling’, much to my surprise, I was obviously unaware as to how to reach it. There was a inner voice which always asked me,” Are ye LIVING your life?/ Are ye living YOUR LIFE?” The question always stumped me.

Enough of my philosophical gibberish. Well lets get on to the STALWARTS…

As I mentioned earlier that life lays out the path and I must say it also chooses the right kind of people to be a part of the journey. It has always worked out beautifully well for me.

I must say over the years I have found THE inspiring people.

People with a creative bug who time and again unleashed it. People with a simple take on life which they beautifully branded. People with a funny outlook that made life seem so wonderful.

People with a strong will who broke the time tested barriers!People with lovely hearts who invoked the life’s essence.       People with intelligent thoughts who rose against ideologies.

The ones who brought on a cheer.

The ones who tread on without fear.

The ones who are my dear and near.

The ones who are my dazzling stars!

These are the people I admire and the ones I am gung-ho over. They are the STALWARTS.

I am glad I met them, for they inspired me to look at life with a whole new perspective. And made it possible for a perspective that I only envisioned, a possibility that I only wished, a path that I only dreamt, a passion that I only admired …… well thanks to them, my MOJO Odyssey worked! And went on to answer my philosophical gibberish.

Everyone has a journey of their own and there are a lot many people whom you meet on the course. For me, I have always been blessed to have the STALWARTS.

PS: Wonder if I am somebody’s STALWART too!

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